El Mesías – Cantores de Hispalís

Fibes I

EL MESÍAS, a work composed by the producer, composer and arranger José Enrique de la Vega, with texts by the Martínez Bizcocho Brothers, based on the Canonical Gospels according to Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, is an oratorio divided into 4 parts and 22 movements where The annunciation, life, passion, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ to the Kingdom of Heaven is narrated in a musical and literary way.

The story of Jesus of Nazareth told and sung, with a vocation of openness towards all the people of the world and with moments in which he will feel like he is in one of the great Hollywood productions.

Since their first recordings in the 70s Cantores de Híspalis, they brought together a bunch of songs dedicated to Holy Week which in the 80s they called “EL RINCON COFRADE DE CANTORES DE HÍSPALIS”

It was not until the year 2000 that they decided to create a show dedicated exclusively to the world of the Sevillian brotherhood “SEVILLA REZA CANTANDO”, with more than notable success in the city of Seville where it was performed for several years at the now defunct Teatro Imperial and at the Teatro Lope de Vega.

In 2005, Singers premiered “LA PASSION ACCORDING TO ANDALUCIA”, a new work dedicated to Holy Week, but in an Andalusian key, thus expanding the message and content, using for the first time a large audiovisual projection in their performances, achieving great success for 12 years and awakening great interest in theater programmers from the rest of Spain.

Without a doubt, the show released in 2017 “CHRIST PASSION AND HOPE”, with brilliant literary content and magnificent musical sensitivity, is the most important religious work of Cantores de Híspalis because it was conceived from the Hope and Faith of a Pascual who He began creating it between the sheets of a hospital and finished it after his recovery during his visit to Jerusalem.

EL MESIAH will last 2 hours in which Cantores de Híspalis will be accompanied by an avant-garde chamber orchestra of 20 musicians who, in a synchronized manner, will have an exclusive design of projections and effects with which a cutting-edge scenography is achieved.

With this new Work, the great challenge for Cantores de Híspalis is to show their ability to perform a show tailored to their needs in a new cycle without works by Pascual. That is the challenge that, with respect for their work, we must and want to face.

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