Climate Action Sevilla Summit and climate restoration

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Climate Action Sevilla Summit and climate restoration
2022 Eventos Innovación Turismo
  • The event, which will take place on 28 and 29 April at Fibes, will bring together Andalusian organizations, authorities and experts to discuss the green and blue economy and its impact on climate change.
  • The initiative is part of Fibes’ new positioning in the development of an innovation hub to rethink the future.


The climate issue, in addition to its undisputed place in the future of our planet and humanity, is an avenue for economic transformation, as we have seen at the recent Glasgow summit. This development, this much-needed change, also drives the creation of wealth and jobs.

Climate Action Sevilla Summit Green & Blue Economy was born in order to improve the dialogue between the different agents involved in this transformation. The event, which will take place on 28 and 29 April in Fibes, is presented as a meeting point for all the economic sectors involved in climate restoration. In addition, it aims to stimulate public-private collaboration and favor the attraction of investments towards the green and blue economy.

In line with Fibes’ new strategic approach and its role as a think tank, an agenda of top-level meetings has been created with sustainable, intelligent and responsible development as the main focus. Climate Action Sevilla Summit is a boost for Fibes in this line of action, and turns the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones de Sevilla into a space for dialogue and innovation among the most important agents of the green economy.

Thinking again about the future of the planet

Preserving our environment and respecting the environment is now a priority, not only because of its impact on climate change. A few facts: some 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide, a third of the CO2 released, is absorbed by forests every year. The oceans also absorb about 30% of the carbon dioxide emitted and more than 90% of the heat produced by global warming.

With these numbers, and given the role of the green and blue economy in economic growth, environment-related businesses and sectors have gained prominence. These companies are essential to ensure a green, inclusive future and economic development. We are therefore facing a great opportunity to improve the economy and employment in our country. It is estimated that Spain can generate 1.13 million green jobs if the right investments are made in renewable energy, sustainable transport and green infrastructure, according to the Spanish Government’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (in Spanish, Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia del Gobierno español).

For this reason, aid and incentives have been promoted at state level, such as the European Union’s Post Pandemic Recovery Plan, which will be available to a large number of companies linked to the green and sustainable economy. The plan promotes the necessary renewal of classic sectors, such as energy, eco-industry, transport, tourism, ports, fishing, agriculture and aquaculture. But in parallel, it is also essential to promote new business niches, such as biotechnology, renewable energies, surveillance and monitoring of the seas and forests through 5G and Big Data, etc.

What happens during the Climate Action Sevilla Summit

During this day and a half of talks, the aim is to raise awareness among companies, governments, administrations and citizens of the relevance of the green and blue economy as indispensable agents for achieving global environmental resilience.

To this end, a space has been created for conferences, round tables and presentations in which experts will give their views on these issues. From CEOs and top representatives of companies operating in the green and blue economy; expert academics, researchers and leading scientists; Andalusian organizations and public authorities, to NGOs, all come together at this meeting. The most innovative vision of the sustainable economy is also important, so entrepreneurs and startups with disruptive solutions to climate change present their success stories in industry and other sectors.

About the last edition

In 2021, SUMMIT4OCEANS Sevilla Blue Economy Virtual Event was the first global online forum aimed at involving and raising awareness of the blue economy and climate change among researchers, companies, governments, administrations, citizens, the media, social networks and, in short, Spanish society as a whole.

The summit, co-organised by Fibes, Sustainable Ventures and Inspiring Events, was held online with unlimited capacity for attendees. The meeting focused on the main opportunities for economic development and job creation in the medium and long term for Spain.

Climate Action Sevilla Summit returns to Fibes in April with a clear purpose, to move from awareness and sensitization to action.
